Movie Night: A Band Called Death

Before punk was punk, there was… A Band Called Death! Set in Detroit in the height of Motown, A Band Called Death tells the story of three brothers who created a sound years ahead of its time.

The history of oppression and resistance, subjugation and revolution has a shared central thread for Black people in America. From this thread, from the imagination and the wellsprings of energy and self-determination of Black people come innumerable diverse contributions to American culture. We are more than a single dimension, more than America’s shadow. We are everywhere, We are America. We are jazz, we are blues, we are country, we are rock.


Today in Racial Injustice: Immigration Act of 1917 (click to learn more at

As a complement to both this week’s movie, and yesterday’s suggested activity of imagining what it would be like to be Black in the spaces of your everyday life, we offer two personal essays by Black women on their experiences in the punk scene: A Place Like Home by Pilot Viruet, and Black Invisibility and Racism in Punk Rock by Tasha Fierce.

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